Roofing Repair Completed in Greystones, Wicklow

Here is another small roofing repair example completed by TC Roofers in Wicklow. The repair work started by removing the old damaged underlay on the roof by carefully taking up the old roofing tiles which allowed us to get down to the underlay.

After this, we could access the underlay, we cut out the damaged underlay and rotten lats being careful to only remove what was damaged and leaving the rest intact.

We replaced the underlay with new high quality breathable underlay and put down the new wooden lats for laying the roofing tiles back down. When everything was stripped back, we put back down the old roof tiles ensuring any that were cracked were replaced with new matching tiles.

When you need roofing repairs in Wicklow or would like to speak to someone about your roofing or guttering, give TC Roofers a call today. We offer a wide range of services which are all available at very affordable prices.

Call our team today to schedule a free quote in County Dublin. Our Roofers Dublin service area covers the North Dublin and South Dublin regions. Unbeatable service, no repair work too large or too small with very affordable rates.